Archive for March, 2011

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-03-13

Sunday, March 13th, 2011
  • Called to @sonimtech re Landrover phone which turns off randomly. Hope the factory r/set fixes or have to it send back. Fab phone otherwise #
  • Watched a black cat catch a mouse this morning. Cat looked pleased. Mouse not so much. #
  • Lots of nice #Landywaves on the way in to the office this morning. Have a great day all you Land Rover drivers of Surrey and elsewhere. #
  • Training today for new Helpdesk s/ware. Realised how awful any training can be if it's not professional, well planned or presented properly #

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-03-06

Sunday, March 6th, 2011
  • Finally got Xyac & Xosd to co-operate on my new MythTV (Mythdora) rig to display Caller ID from incoming calls to the Asterisk phone system. #
  • Just back fro a superb Sunday Lunch at The Red Lounge Bar, Dene Street, Dorking. #
  • Hot telephone as 11yo daughter discusses varied success with peers in getting their chosen schools. Tears & anguish in some quarters . #

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