Archive for June, 2010

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-06-27

Sunday, June 27th, 2010
  • Raspberries, at last! #
  • Hey, @O2, once again a really c**p signal here in the area south of Dorking. Bad all day today and not just for me – friends said how poor #
  • Amazing real-time map of underground trains as they run around London #
  • After long long call @O2 confirm there is a "cellsite problem" in area south of Dorking. Why take so long admit a probem? #O2fail #
  • TV one end of office, Internet viewers at the other: Cheers and gasps divided by short delay. #DigitalDivide ? #
  • RT @kenwolf: I too use Java. 🙂 <=Made me laugh out loud in the office (the video, that is!) #
  • Off to the Cock & Bull for a beer. #
  • Off to a wedding shortly. Long hot journey ahead. #
  • Now stopped at the biggest dolls house shop possibly in the UK so Grace excited but I have to sit in car with air con and look after the … #
  • Cake #
  • Waiting for the bride to arrive #
  • Ceremony done. Photos in progress #
  • Amazing disco where djs are participating like i have never seen before #
  • Questions that don't need an immediate detailed answer: Munch munch "Daddy, What's black pudding made from?" munch. "Err….Meat!". #

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-06-20

Sunday, June 20th, 2010
  • I am reverse enginineering smtp/mail configs on web servers. How we send email at all I just don't know! Forced config changes in store. #
  • Off to do a school run on a pleasant sunny morning. #
  • Time to catch up with a cup of nice Earl Grey tea. #
  • Linguine with creme fraiche, a dash of olive oil, finely chopped mush and toms with fresh thyme, basil and chives from the garden. Mmmmm. #
  • Bloglines has become irritatingly flakey of late – so now trying alternative feed readers and having to get used to different view/usage. #
  • Looks like some dubious SIP calls from China into my Asterisk server are trying it on. #
  • Looks like some dubious SIP calls from China are attempting to get into my Asterisk server. #
  • Looks like Twitter refusing at ack tweets, but posting them anyway. #
  • Just completed a valve regenerative radio kit. Aerial attatched and the first distinguishable sounds are a Vuvuzela chorus! It works. #
  • Emptied shed to extract lawnmower – then it starts spitting with rain. Everything goes back. Try again tomorrow I think. #
  • For the first time in a long while, sitting reading a Sunday Paper. Will nod off if I'm not careful! #

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Regen Radio Kit

Saturday, June 19th, 2010

I have just completed a kit for a valve radio – a regenerative detector type. I bought the kit a few months ago from and with Serena and Grace both at the hairdresser’s this morning I had a few hours P&Q to fill so out came the kit, soldering iron and tools.

It’s quite novel in that it only uses a 12v power source – possible to run from dry cells if you’re feeling extravagant – but that’s the highest voltage in the circuit – so it’s very safe; no need for caution when touching contacts tracing faults with my soldering. Yep – there was a dry joint somewhere – I suspect on the variable tuning cap, but once sorted much sound came from the speaker, notably the sound of the vuvuzela horn.

Some confusion when troubleshooting – the engraved legend on the front panel has somehow got the “Vol” and “Regen” transposed!

Edit: After mentioning the issue to the kit’s creator he’s pointed out that I didn’t follow the instructions and that I should have connected the pots with wires instead of directly to the PCB. It’s still a great little kit, though.

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-06-13

Sunday, June 13th, 2010
  • Relieved to discover that a small problem I found with New Scientist was set that way deliberately by the developers. No problem after all. #
  • Last night's dreams seemed to be presented in HTML5 and Web 2.0 styles. #
  • Holiday cottage now booked in Polperro. #
  • Orange's on-line phone account management site is somewhat flakey and begins to make O2's look quite good in comparison. #
  • How odd: after powercut last night, Joggler won't connect to LAN using WIFI without two DNS servers in its configuration. Hates DHCP? #

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-06-06

Sunday, June 6th, 2010
  • Waiting for a train at Ashtead. Off to the London Eye and the Planetarium at the ROG #
  • Good cafe at ROG #

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