Archive for May, 2010

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-05-30

Sunday, May 30th, 2010
  • Eating a Wagon Wheel. #
  • Occasionally I forget that I know far more about the systems I manage than the people who actually use them. #
  • This morning's experiment with New Scientist produced a slightly unexpected result. #
  • Home from an evening with good friends having had a really excellent meal at the Red Lounge, formerly Arty P's formerly The Jolly Butchers. #

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-05-23

Sunday, May 23rd, 2010
  • Eeek! Humor is born out of truth. It still hits you hard, though. #
  • Looking at The Boys Own Paper Nov 1948 at design for valve radio; built it 25yrs ago – could I do it again? Or shall I try a modern kit? #
  • Waiting for a telephone conference call to start……. #
  • just lost a game of junior monopoly (but the result was engineered to keep the peace) #
  • Trying to persuade my daughter to go to bed and go to sleep. #
  • Further investigation of a Movable Type error message which does not tell the whole truth. #
  • We seem to have far too much red on our web monitors right now. Somethings has stopped doing what it should. All sites going off-air…. #
  • Time for a nibble from my new customised box – if you want a try a free box of goodness yourself, use code 1B3RVD7 #
  • More Linux/Citrix shenanigins – successful this time. Now to see if it will work over 3G link as well! #
  • My sister's boxer has just had a 10th puppy in litter, sixteen hours after the first. #
  • now home. time for a beer #
  • Busy day ahead fixng up systems for data ceneter power work. Changes required pose exciting challenges! #
  • Long long copy in progress – will have to come back top the office later to perform further magic #
  • Had chinese TA for supper. My very, very long copy has barfed. Working out how best to go forward now. #
  • Well – that looks like the MT stuff working from the alternate DC – a few more files to finish copying, though! #

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-05-16

Sunday, May 16th, 2010
  • Much fun with Squid, Apache rewrite rules and proxying. It does what I want and I can prove it! #
  • More bad Chinese e-mail harvesters have been stressing the MT installation; but no longer. #
  • Joggler back on special offer from O2 again. #
  • This morning's bread machine experiment, using honey instead of sugar, was very good. Sadly, rest of family did not like it. #
  • Sending this from the Joggler running Ubuntu with Keyb & mouse attached. #

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-05-16

Sunday, May 16th, 2010
  • Much fun with Squid, Apache rewrite rules and proxying. It does what I want and I can prove it! #
  • More bad Chinese e-mail harvesters have been stressing the MT installation; but no longer. #
  • Joggler back on special offer from O2 again. #
  • This morning's bread machine experiment, using honey instead of sugar, was very good. Sadly, rest of family did not like it. #
  • Sending this from the Joggler running Ubuntu with Keyb & mouse attached. #

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-05-09

Sunday, May 9th, 2010
  • Haiku attempt on the way to work: Carpet of Bluebells/ Delights of Holmwood Common/ Spied through dappled trees #

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-05-02

Sunday, May 2nd, 2010
  • A warm home made beer, sitting in the sun on the front doorstep. Feels like Summer is here already. #
  • Daughter willingly doing her piano practice. What's happened? #
  • O2 website says my Joggler s/b delivered today. Hope DHL actually do the deed – the package won't track on their site, though. #
  • Joggler hacked – telnet & some 3rd party apps added. What a nice bit of kit – wish I'd ordered two! Maybe try Ubuntu on it tomorrow eve. #
  • Fuzz manning speedtrap near Fourwents Pond this morning. Thanks to the lady that warned about it. #
  • Toad in the Hole now in the oven for Sunday Lunch. #

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